The Genetic Heart Disease Program cares for individuals living with heart conditions caused by genes, also known as genetic conditions. These conditions often run in families.

Patients with genetic heart disease have important, unique questions and often feel their condition is beyond their control. We understand. Our team is here to empower you with answers and a plan.

  • How do my genes impact the health of my heart?
  • Does my heart condition have a genetic factor?
  • Are my family members at risk?
  • Will my children inherit my condition?
  • How is my condition affected by my lifestyle choices?
  • Is there anything I can do?

With a genetic counselor on staff, we will guide you through each of these unknowns. We will coordinate your genetic testing and record your family history. We may need to order diagnostic tests or imaging to learn more about your condition.

Finally, we will work closely with you and your family to create an effective treatment plan, designed specifically for your condition, your family and you. ​


Our Team

Many specialists are involved in the care of patients with genetic heart disease. Meet them here.



Find a list of conditions we treat here at the at the Genetic Heart Disease Program.


Genetic Testing

Learn more about genetic testing and what to expect.


Our Locations

Find location and contact information for the Genetic Heart Disease Program.