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Getting regular mammograms is the key to early detection of breast conditions. Using the very latest screening technology, our expert team will guide you through the process.
Intermountain and the American Cancer Society recommend women of average risk begin annual screening mammography at the age of 40 and continue for as long as they are healthy.
Major health organizations and professional societies recommend women begin screening mammograms at age 40.
Annual screening mammography has decreased the death rate from breast cancer by 40-50 percent over the last thirty years.
You don’t need an order from your doctor to schedule a screening mammogram.
Breast cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer if it's caught in its early stages. Make an appointment for your screening mammogram today.
Breast health begins with breast awareness. Find out why regular clinical breast exams and screenings are so important, particularly for women aged 40 and over.
Discovering you have breast cancer can be overwhelming. But our dedicated team of breast cancer specialists will help you understand your diagnosis, review your options, and get into treatment quickly.
Breast cancer is one of the most common and treatable forms of cancer – especially when caught early. Our team uses advanced 3D mammography, or breast tomosynthesis, to get the most detailed information so we can detect and treat your condition fast.
3D mammography is more accurate than traditional mammography, enabling earlier detection of breast cancer.
3D mammography produces fewer false-positive results than traditional mammograms.
The 3D image allows doctors to identify small tumors that may be missed in traditional mammograms.
When her routine mammogram revealed she had breast cancer, Michele Randall was able to act fast and get the urgent treatment she needed.