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Sleep Medicine

sleep medicine

Sleep Medicine

From sleep apnea to insomnia or daytime fatigue, we diagnose, manage, and treat sleep disorders so you can finally get the rest your body needs.

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Say goodnight to sleep problems

A good night's rest is vital to your health and well-being. We offer personalized sleep consultations, testing, and coaching to start you on your journey to get the restorative sleep you need.

monitoring heart rate

Our services

We offer a variety of sleep studies, treatments, and medications designed to help diagnose, manage, and treat your sleep condition.

  • Overnight in-lab sleep studies

  • Home sleep studies

  • Daytime sleep lab studies

  • Oximetry

Cassia Regional Hospital

Nearby locations

We offer sleep medicine services at various locations throughout the Mountain West, bringing you quality care close to home.

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Frequently asked questions regarding sleep studies

Follow the tips below to prepare for your sleep study and help it be successful. Your doctor may modify or add to these instructions. Always follow the specific instructions from your doctor.

Check with your insurance company. Make sure you call your insurance company to see your financial responsibility. Companies may require pre-authorization or have specific tests they do or do not cover. Even though you will stay overnight, sleep studies are usually considered outpatient procedures. 

Take your usual medications, and bring them with you - including sleep aids. It's essential that you sleep during this test. If you usually require a sleep aid (such as Ambien), bring it with you and take it as usual. If you do not have a prescription sleep aid, your doctor may recommend you bring an over-the-counter product such as Tylenol PM. 

Don't drink alcohol or take any stimulants or sedatives on the day of the test. Don't drink or eat anything that contains caffeine after 3:00 p.m. the day of the test. 

Avoid naps on the day of the test.

Shower and shave before you come, as needed. It's important to have clean, dry hair and skin to attach electrodes and other sensors securely. Do not use cream rinse, conditioners, or oils in your hair. Clean all make-up and lotions off your face. Shave as usual. Beards and mustaches are okay - just ensure they are clean and dry. 

Bring or wear modest, 2-piece pajamas or loose-fitting clothes like shorts and a T-shirt or sweats. Not only are all studies videotaped, but also the technicians will need access to place electrodes on your chest and stomach. 

Bring whatever you usually use to unwind before bedtime. This can be a book, a magazine, knitting, or crossword puzzles.

Bring whatever else you need to get ready for bed, such as your toothbrush. You will have access to a shower. Feel free to bring your own pillow. Also, bring clothes and anything else you need to prepare in the morning. 

Eat dinner before you arrive. 

Bring your sleep diary, if you have one. If your doctor gives you a sleep diary or log, use it to record your sleep times and other information. Bring it to the test. 

After you complete your hospital registration, you will: 

Meet the sleep technician, who will explain the study and allow you to ask questions.

You'll then change into your sleepwear and get ready for bed, following your usual routine. 

Next, the sleep technician will hook up various sensors, including the following: 

Sticky patches (sensors) on your face, scalp, chest, and legs will record your brain activity, heart activity, and movements. (Some patients think these sensors smell bad).

Sensors by your nose will measure your breathing.

Straps around your chest and abdomen will measure the effort it takes to breathe.

A finger clip will record your blood oxygen.

The sensors will be securely attached, and the wires will be bundled so you can sleep in any position and turn over as you sleep. If you need CPAP therapy during the night, the technician will help you try on a CPAP mask. If you put it on later, you'll have a good fit.

During your sleep study, the following steps will occur:

The technician will take initial readings from the sensors while you are awake.

You will try to fall asleep. If you usually read or watch T.V. to help you fall asleep, that's fine. But the room will be darkened at some point, so you can sleep through the night. (You should get at least 6 hours of sleep for a good test). 

The sensors attached to your body send signals to equipment in another room. A technician monitors the signals in the other room. If the sensors show that you repeatedly stop breathing, this indicates you have sleep apnea. 

Suppose sleep apnea is confirmed early enough during the test. In that case, you may be given a trial of positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. In this case, here's what will happen:

1. Start positive airway pressure (PAP). The technician will enter your room to put a PAP mask over your nose or your nose and mouth and start PAP therapy. You will need to try to fall back asleep.

2. Monitor your response and adjust the airflow. Your reaction to PAP therapy will be monitored from another room. The technician will adjust the airflow from the mask so it is enough to keep your airway open without being too strong. This helps determine the best way to start treatment.

When your sleep test is complete:

You'll be awakened by a sleep technician in the morning. The technician will usually wake you at about 6:00 a.m., sometimes earlier. You should be ready to leave the sleep lab by 7:00 a.m. Most people can get to work by their usual time.

The technician will remove the sensors after waking you up. This may irritate your skin and cause a slight redness. The sensors will also leave some sticky gel in your hair, so you will need to wash your hair.

The sleep lab staff will let you know when to expect results. Usually, results should be available within two weeks. You must make an appointment with your doctor or sleep specialist to review the results and discuss treatment options. If your follow-up is at the sleep lab, the lab will continue to report to your primary care doctor regarding your treatment. 

It may take a bit longer for some people, but don't worry - just let nature take its course. People usually fall asleep quickly. 

Just let the technician know if you need to get out of bed for any reason. Unplugging and reconnecting the sensors is relatively quick and easy. 

You can roll over and move around in bed during the study. In most cases, it does not disrupt the sensors.

Usually, only if there is a medical reason and arrangements have been made ahead of time with the sleep lab. The exception is for patients under 18, where a parent or guardian must stay with their child overnight. 

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