In this Article

Rooming In

We encourage healthy mothers and babies to enjoy rooming in. You have the choice to room in fully or return the baby to the nursery whenever you want. Rooming in helps you and your baby become better acquainted. 

Rooming in is beneficial for breastfeeding mothers as they are able to learn more about their baby’s feeding signals and are able to respond promptly. Breastfeeding takes practice and patience to find a pattern that works for both mother and baby and rooming in helps promote successful breastfeeding.

Research indicates rooming in has the following benefits:

  • Facilitates skin-to-skin holding which supports a baby’s transition after birth.
  • Early attachment which has a positive effect on a baby’s brain development.
  • More frequent breastfeeding which increases milk supply and provides less engorgement.
  • The mother’s room is less distracting than the noises and lights in the nursery and helps stabilize baby’s body rhythms (heart rate, body temp and sleep cycle).

Limiting Visitors

We suggest that you limit the number of visitors at the hospital. Your time in the hospital is short and you’ll need the time to rest and to get to know your baby. Visitors should come during visiting hours when you invite them.  Visiting policies vary at each hospital.

It is important to let your family and friends know your visiting wishes. If you want to limit visitors, let them know you will call them when you are ready for visitors.  If you feel like you want your loved ones close by, let them know what you need help with such as meals, cleaning, or running errands. Visitors should help you be able to more fully enjoy and bond with your baby.

Infant Security

We provide a safe and secure environment for your new baby. Although baby abductions are very rare, we still take strict precautions to prevent them in our facilities.

All hospital staff wear identification badges. Do not let your baby leave your room with anyone who is not wearing an identification badge. If someone you don’t know wants to take your baby, or if you have any concerns about the person’s identity, let your nurse know.

You and your baby will have wristbands with matching numbers. Notify your nurse immediately if either you or your baby’s wristband is missing.

Newborn Tests

Your newborn baby will get a group of tests, called newborn screening tests before you leave the hospital. Each of these screenings or treatments is routine for all newborns at all of our hospitals.  Some of them are required by state law. That’s because numerous studies have shown that these procedures can protect your baby’s health and well-being today - and in the months and years to come.


Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which the skin covering the end of the penis is removed. Except where circumcision is a religious custom, the United States is the only country where routine circumcision of male newborns is common. However, this is changing.

Ask Questions

Let the hospital staff know what you need or questions you have about the baby or baby care. Their job is to help you prepare for taking your baby home.

Caring for Mom

When you’re pregnant, you’re often so focused on the changes in your body and the upcoming birth that you don’t anticipate the enormous physical and emotional changes your body goes through after birth.

Intermountain Healthcare has created a booklet that provides information that will help you care for yourself during this time. Keep in mind, however, that no booklet can replace the advice and care of your doctor and other healthcare providers. Consult with your healthcare provider any time you have questions or concerns about your health.

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About Getting in Line and your Arrival Time

Please arrive at

10:18 AM

or before

  • When you arrive at the clinic inform the receptionist you used the website to get in line.
  • Your arrival time is not an appointment time.
  • You may lose your place in line if you arrive 15 minutes or more after your scheduled arrival time.
  • Wait times are estimates and may change. Patients with more severe conditions may be seen before you.