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    5 Must-Haves for a Successful Family Outing

    5 Must-Haves for a Successful Family Outing

    Outdoor Checklist

    Use this checklist to enjoy some outdoors with the family:

    Comfortable shoes

    One thing that will help get the families outdoors and keep them out there are comfortable shoes. Nothing is worse than bringing the wrong footwear for the occasion. Make sure your kids are not taking sandals on a hike or sneakers to the beach.

    When you’re wearing the right shoes, it makes hiking, playing, and exploring a whole lot easier and safer.

    Bring lots of water

    When you’re outside and active, your body will be losing a LOT of essential hydration. It’s important, when outside, to drink lots of water, so plan ahead. Even if the thermometer isn't bursting, bring plenty of water on cool days, too.

    Shoot for several bottles of water per person or bring a refillable water bottle.

    Check the safety of the location

    When you’re bringing your family to a new location to enjoy the outdoors, make sure you check general safety. Become familiar with the terrain and ask questions.

    Such as, is there a body of water? Is the location heavily populated? Are there are wild animal dangers? This doesn’t make you a panicky person, it makes you a smart parent and explorer.

    Don’t forget the sunscreen

    When getting the family outdoors, one of the most important things to remember is the sunscreen. A natural zinc based sunscreen can help keep your family safe from the sun without all the harmful chemicals in most sunscreens. Don’t forget to also reapply every few hours. Especially if your family is sweating or swimming.

    While sunscreen is important, don’t forget hats and sunglasses! Even make sure to bring lip balm – your lips will thank you later. Proper sun protection is a MUST when getting your family outdoors. 

    Have a good park in mind

    One of the best, free things left to do in the world is finding a good park for your family to enjoy. In fact, your kids will be extra motivated to get outside when they know there is a park at stake. Keep the park as a backup plan, in case your other outdoor plans don’t work out. Letting your kids run around and have free play is something awesome you can offer them as kids.

    Getting your family outside is one of the best gifts you can grant your family. Sunshine and exploring is something everyone needs. Make sure your family is physically prepared for the outdoors and all there is left is to enjoy your time.

    Bonus Tips to Get Started: