9 Useful Pregnancy Snacks

9 Useful Pregnancy Snacks

Healthy Snacks_Berrett
I won’t lie, I don’t consider myself to have had a hard pregnancy. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean I don’t have my fair share of complaints, but I feel like I have been pretty lucky in the whole scheme of things. I had little bit of morning sickness and threw up a couple times a week during my first trimester, but then I think of the poor women who are sick every day, throughout their whole pregnancy or sick enough that they have to go to the hospital and get an IV so they don’t get too dehydrated. I occasionally feel a little nauseous still now at this late point in my pregnancy, but even now, as it mostly was early in my pregnancy it comes when I’m hungry. So I’ve tried to find a few healthy and easy grab and go snacks that I can quickly eat when I realize I haven’t eaten in a while or I start to feel a little sick.

Some of my favorite pregnancy snacks are:

  • Popcorn (another lucky thing for me is that smells haven’t bothered me – a strong smell like microwave popcorn may bug some pregnant women) – Popcorn is fairly low calorie, but also really filling. I love those 100 calorie snack packs.
  • Trail mix – Trail mix is high calorie, but nuts are full of healthy fats and are high in vitamins and minerals. I think it’s filling and having a little chocolate with your snack never hurt anyone ;) Also, be adventurous, try and make your own.
  • Hummus and Pita Chips – hummus is low calorie, but packed full of protein and fiber and will be a filling snack for you. It is great with pita chips or pretzels, but try it with carrot sticks too!
  • Granola Bars – granola bars are the ultimate grab and go snack. Keep a couple in your purse for those desperate times when you need a really quick snack.
  • Fruit – whether you eat an apple, banana or tangerine or grab a single serving fruit cup instead; this will help you reach your daily recommended amount of fruit. A handful of fried fruit (make sure its dried, not fried) is another good option.
  • String Cheese – String cheese is another great portable snack because they are individually wrapped, plus they are full of calcium and protein. And would be great togo with some crackers too.
  • Yogurt – Yogurt will help you to get your daily amount of dairy, plus its full of good bacterias that will help you with digestion. Plus there are so many different delicious flavor options available. You can also try adding a little granola to your yogurt to make it a little more filling and add a tasty crunch!
  • Smoothies – It might take a little more time for you to make a smoothie, but you can pack it full of so many good fruits and vegetables, thus getting you and your baby the vitamins and minerals you need.
  • Crackers – crackers are high in starch and will help absorb stomach acids making them the perfect snack to help ease nausea, but they are also a filling and tasty snack too.

Posted from: Aimee Berrett 

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This blog post is from one of our great Intermountain Moms. This should not be taken or substituted for medical advice. Always check with your provider if you have questions.