Aging Gracefully: Senior Health

Aging Gracefully: Senior Health


Aging gracefully begins with a positive attitude. Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. We need to learn to switch out our thinking, if we sense we are in a negative place. Be attuned to how you are processing life, and if it’s in a negative way, let that awareness help you flip the switch to positivity.

Learn to surprise your brain and challenge it. Keeping life fresh is healthy for the mind.

o    Join a book club and/or buy an e-book and learn to use it

o    Volunteer

o    Garden

o    Collect something

o    Play!

o    Learn a musical instrument or to sing, join a choir

o    Find a mentor or be a mentor

o    Subscribe to a new newspaper, magazine, or journal on a new topic

o    Learn a new language – practice every day

o    Become computer literate

o    Play puzzles: crosswords, Sudoku, acrostics

o    Take up painting or writing

o    Travel or begin doing something else new that challenges and excites you

And don’t quit! Sure, there are some things that you might no longer be able to do or can’t do at the same rate you once did. But there are lots of adaptive activities to keep the mind and body fit. Instead of running marathons, maybe a walk around the neighborhood to visit friends might be your speed. Or instead of just meeting someone for lunch, go down to the mall and walk around in the climate-controlled area for a little while first.

And always, ALWAYS, keep up with those regular doctor visits and follow their directions. It is important to share with your doctor if you are experiencing new or different physical or mental sensations, as they can be indicators of potential issues you might need to address.

Do you have specific questions on aging?  Intermountain Healthcare medical experts will answer questions and be interviewed on KUTV Channel 2 about aging issues, Tuesday, March 8, from 12 to 5:30 p.m.

Persons with questions about aging, such as diabetes, cancer, and fitness in older years, may call 1-435-251-3123 to speak free of charge to one of the many experts, including doctors and other clinicians, or receive answers via Facebook or Twitter using #kutvasktheexpert.

For more information visit

For other ideas, see or 8 Steps to Healthy Aging