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    From The Heart: Pediatric Cardiologist Writes Children's Book For Patients

    From The Heart: Pediatric Cardiologist Writes Children's Book For Patients

    From The Heart: Pediatric Cardiologist Writes Children's Book For Patients

    St. Vincent Healthcare Pediatric Cardiologist, Andrew Lashus, MD, has been serving kiddos for nearly seven years with his excellence and expertise in pediatric cardiology. His philosophy of care is to always treat his patients as if they were his own kids. He took that promise to heart recently through the completion of a project more than 20 years in the making.

    Dr. Lashus has two grown children of his own, but back when they were young he connected with them through books and even made up bedtime stories. One in particular, he wrote down and had filed away for more than two decades: "The Boy Who Went to Bed Late."

    In an effort to connect further with his patients and give them a little something to take home after appointments, he decided it'd be fun to author a children's book and "dusted off" the story he'd written for his son all those years ago. He reached out to Ty Elkin, Executive Director of the St. Vincent Foundation, who immediately jumped on board in support of the project.

    With support from the Foundation, Dr. Lashus contacted local artists Joe and Jim Heins with Heins Creative, who have been in business for more than 30 years, to find out if they would be willing to help bring his book to life. The Heins brothers were drawn to the uniqueness of the project and eagerly joined the effort. Once the book was finalized, they were printed locally by Ultragraphics.