Learn About Cancer Genomics

Learn About Cancer Genomics


In a single human genome, there are 46 chromosomes and about 20,000 genes - leaving lots of room for tiny errors that can have huge consequences. That's why researchers like Lincoln Nadauld, MD, an oncologist from the Intermountain Southwest Regional Cancer Clinic, focus on analyzing genetic problems that can lead to cancer.

At the most recent lecture in our ongoing Research Colloquia series on May 27, Dr. Nadauld talked about how analysis of genome variants and identification of specific genome alterations can help with the development of medicines that target those specific alterations. 

He explained that it's also important to consider germline status, because some alleles and mutations are inherited.

His presentation outlined how the future will entail more personalized cancer medicines designed to target specific genomic issues, while working to find ways to more broadly apply the treatments they discover.

If you're an Intermountain employee and you missed this fascinating presentation, or would just like to watch it again, you can watch the full video here.