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    Safely Delivering Bundles Of Joy To Moms Over 35

    Safely Delivering Bundles Of Joy To Moms Over 35

    Safely Delivering Bundles Of Joy To Moms Over 35

    Learn more about SCL Health's Pregnancy and Baby Services.

    Is the time finally right to start a family? If you’re over the age of 35 and embarking on the journey toward pregnancy, your doctors at SCL Health are ready to help diminish your anxieties to make room for all the joy.

    First things first, it’s debunking time. Not too long ago, midlife mothers were made to believe that bringing a child into the world would be an uphill battle. However, more women than ever before have been waiting until later in life to get pregnant. This has enabled researchers to gather more data so that our doctors have all the tools to help you have a healthy pregnancy and successful delivery.

    Marci Peralto, MD, FACOG, Physician Lead and Ob-Gyn at SCL Health Medical Group - Superior, says it's becoming increasingly common for Obstetricians to see women having their first baby in their late thirties even forties. Dr. Peralto adds, "The key is to seek preconception counseling and care from an Obstetrician three to six months before conceiving. There is blood work that can be done in advance as well as specific counseling around expectations that can be helpful for women during this very exciting time."

    There are now methods in which doctors can test for–and preventatively treat–potential risks at every stage of the pregnancy. Speak with your doctor or midwife about genetic testing, prenatal screening, and other types of tests to understand the corresponding risks and benefits. The choice to undergo any testing is up to you, but it may help provide valuable insight into various genetic predispositions sooner rather than later.

    While we’ve addressed certain midlife motherhood myths, there are still some concerns that your doctor will want to discuss with you. It may take longer to get pregnant as a woman’s number and quality of eggs declines in her mid-to-late thirties. Higher risks of chromosome abnormalities, premature births, and pregnancy loss are also shown to increase as you get older. However, research suggests these risks may be due to pre-existing medical conditions rather than the mother’s age. Blood pressure problems are relatively common amongst older mothers, which may result in a mother needing to have labor induced or get a C-section. However, your health care providers are well-equipped to closely monitor these health concerns to keep you and your baby safe.

    The best thing you can do for your future child is to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, taking prenatal vitamins containing folic acid, and steering clear of alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs will all help to cultivate a healthy environment for your baby to develop. Creating healthy habits before conception can ensure your little one is off to the strongest start possible.

    Suppose this all feels like a lot to take in. Know that it’s entirely natural for new mothers to worry. However, SCL Health’s mission is to provide you with exceptional care from conception to your first ultrasound to the moment you finally get to hold your precious newborn in your arms. We work hard to eliminate your doubts, fears, and concerns so that when those significant milestones come around, you’re able to entirely focus on the most important feeling–the immense joy of motherhood.