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    Stay Fit this Winter with These Kid-Friendly Activities

    Stay Fit this Winter with These Kid-Friendly Activities


    1)      Go on a winter hike (or walk). Snow dramatically changes your favorite trails and the landscape into a beautiful winter wonderland. Need a stroller for your little one? Check out these skis for your strollers from Polar Stroller!

    2)      Sledding. The rush of adrenaline from flying down a hill on a sled can’t be beat, but it’s the walk back up the hill that gets some serious leg work in! Extra points if you use it as cardio and run or jog up the hill!

    3)      Build a snowman. Get a good workout out of a fun winter activity! Rolling up balls of snow takes a lot of upper body strength. Add some squats as you build the snowman and you have yourself a winter workout that’s also fun for the kiddos. Remember – have good form as you roll and lift by using your lower body and lifting with your legs, not your lower back.

    4)     Make snow angels! This fun activity actually works out quite a few muscles. If the snow is packed, think about pressing the backs of your arms into the snow as hard as you can to work your shoulders and upper back. If the snow is fluffy and light, make your angel wings big to stretch and work on range of motion.

    5)     Skiing or snowboarding. Head to the hills and teach your little ones how to make some turns on the slopes. These activities burn quite a lot of calories, so enjoy a hot chocolate at the lodge after!

    Winter workout are especially good for strengthening “balance” muscles because of the uneven, slick surface. This is a great way to get your core in share for spring activities!

    Want workout and activity ideas? Check out our LiVe Well site or get updates by signing up for our LiVe Well newsletter HERE.