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    Staying on track during the holidays

    How to keep up with your health and fitness goals

    healthy habits during the holidays

    With the holidays coming up, many of us have concerns about staying on track with our health and fitness goals. The holidays are a time of gathering together, and oftentimes there is food, drinks, and relaxation involved. While it is good for us to enjoy the time with our family and friends, we also need to be mindful of our lifestyle choices so that we can continue to achieve our health goals.

    Here are a few tips to help get you through the holidays in a way that's sustainable and lets you enjoy yourself:

    1. Increase your NEAT: Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy we expend outside of exercise, sleeping, and eating. Examples include standing, housework, walking, and even fidgeting. The more NEAT activity we engage in, the more active our bodies are overall. In fact, NEAT activity can vary between different people by up to 2,000 calories! This holiday season, try to increase the amount of NEAT in your day. Try parking your car farther away in the parking lot, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or standing instead of sitting down.
    2. Make the perfectly imperfect choice: We often think of temptations and choices as black and white when it comes to health. Either we can eat the dessert or not eat the dessert, and those are the only two choices. The reality is, there are a variety of different options for each choice we make in our lives. When it comes to temptation, making a black or white choice can often lead to burnout and failure in the long run. When we aim for perfection all the time, we often fall short. Instead of thinking of things as either black or white, yes or no, consider the variety of different options you have when it comes to a choice. For example, say you’re at a family party and there is pie for dessert. You could choose to eat the pie and then possibly feel guilty about it later because you are on a fitness journey and trying to make healthy food choices. You could not eat the pie and then be stuck craving pie which could lead to unhealthy choices later in the day. Or you could pick a “perfectly imperfect” option. You could choose to have a half slice of the pie instead of a whole slice. This can satisfy your craving without making you feel like you’ve gone off track. You could choose to have the slice of pie but then go on a walk afterwards. You could choose to take a slice of pie home and save it for later instead of indulging right away. There are a variety of different choices, and it all comes down to making the right choice for yourself in the moment. Progress isn’t about perfection, it’s about being consistent with yourself and finding sustainability in your daily life.
    3. Stay hydrated: The holidays are a busy time, and sometimes we forget to keep our bodies hydrated. It’s important to drink water during the holidays. Staying well hydrated has many benefits for our bodies. Staying well hydrated can help our immune systems fight off illness during the winter. It can also help to prevent a holiday hangover for those that indulge in alcohol. Dinking plenty of water can also help prevent overindulging in the abundance of holiday food and treats. It is recommended that women drink 9 cups of water per day, and men should strive for 12.5 cups of water per day.
    4. Be realistic: The holidays are a special time, and they only come once per year. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a little grace when it comes to staying on track with your goals. As mentioned above, progress does not mean perfection. Try your best to move your body, stay well hydrated, and make healthy choices when you can, but it’s also important that you make sure you enjoy yourself as well. Be grateful for the time you have with your family and friends and enjoy this special time of year.

    For more information about healthy lifestyle habits and making a positive change, reach out to the Lifestyle Medicine and Wellness Center closest to you.