Health 360

Why First Impressions Matter

Why First Impressions Matter

You’ve impressed the recruiter enough to get an in-person interview for a new job and now it is time to start thinking through what you want to show when you walk through the office building for the first time. First impressions are everything.

Start off on the Right Foot

When you walk through the door, you never know who is going to be greeting you, so it’s important to put away your phone before you get out of the car, and make sure you feel ready for some general small talk questions.

Typically you’ll get greeted by either the person you are interviewing with, or someone who works in administration to take you back. Either way, whoever is meeting you does matter. That person might be the reason you get the job or the reason you don’t!

Small talk can be difficult when you are first meeting someone knew, but listen closely to what they are asking you and remember this is part of the interview. They are using this chance to get to know you a little bit more. Companies are not only thinking about the skillset you bring to the table, but also how you’ll fit into the company culture wise.

Not only does the way you present yourself through your words matter, but what you decide to wear also really matters. Dressing for the job you want is a phrase we’ve all heard, but it’s a phrase that truly matters. Walking into that door for the first time, the first thing that people are going to notice is whether you look happy to be there [so remember to smile] and if you are dressed appropriately for the job.

After your interview you’ll also want to make sure you confidently walk out as well, and keep talking to the person who walks you out should you need too. We also recommend sending out a thank you email to anyone who you spoke with as well to let them know you are interested in the position, and that it was great to meet with them.

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