COVID-19: How to stay safe when you come home from work

COVID-19: How to stay safe when you come home from work

Staying safe when you come home from work
If you’re one of the many essential workers who may be exposed to COVID-19 during your daily work, here are some simple daily habits to keep you and your family safe when you’re transitioning from work to home.

Before going to work

  • Remove your watch and jewelry.
  • Wear your personal clothing to work, but bring your work clothes in a washable bag, along with a pair of shoes that can be easily cleaned and left at work or in your car.
  • Bring lunch in a disposable bag.
  • Practice proper hand hygiene.

During work

  • Disinfect your phone, name tag or ID badge, eyewear, and any work supplies regularly.
  • Perform hand hygiene after touching frequently used objects and surfaces.
  • Avoid handshakes or high-fives.
  • Disinfect your lunch space before and after eating.
  • Practice physical distancing.
  • Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like gloves or a mask as directed.

After work

  • Take a minute to reflect on three things that went well today; be proud of the work you did.
  • Disinfect your phone, name tag or ID badge, eyewear, and any work supplies; leave what you can at work.
  • Handle possibly contaminated items (shoes, work bag, work clothes) with care.
  • Place work clothes in your dirty clothes bag in the trunk of your car or directly into the washing machine when you get home.
  • Wash your work clothes and dirty clothes bag with detergent.
  • Leave your work shoes outside the home or in your dirty clothes bag.
  • Keep your street clothes and shoes in a clean and washable bag, separate from your work clothes.
  • Shower immediately after arriving home.

Remember to think about your personal risk throughout the day. Do you come in contact with a lot of people during the day? Ask yourself, “What can I do to decrease my risk of exposure while I’m at work?” And if there’s any question about whether you’ve come in contact with frequently touched areas, it’s better to be cautious and practice these tips to keep you and your family safe when you come home from work.