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    Five Signs You May Have the Flu

    Five Signs You May Have the Flu

    Before you feel the full effects of the flu, there are a few warning signs and flu symptoms you can look out for.  Here are five signs that you might be coming down with the flu. 

    Sign #1: Someone you know has the flu 

    The flu is contagious. From an errant sneeze on the train to inadvertently sharing a drink with a loved one, chances are high that you can catch the flu if you’re around someone else who has it. 

    Sign #2: You’re more tired than usual 

    Fatigue is one of the earliest signs your body could be fighting a virus. Tiredness caused by the flu virus is typically more severe than the same symptom caused by a cold. 

    Sign #3: Your muscles are sore

    One of the biggest differences between early flu symptoms and early cold symptoms is body aches. A cold virus doesn’t typically cause muscle soreness, but the flu can. 

    Sign #4: You have a fever

    A fever is another early sign of the flu. Flu-related fevers are typically 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.  However, it’s important to note that not everyone with the flu will get a fever, and of course not everyone with a fever will get the flu. 

    Sign #5: You didn’t get a flu shot 

    The best protection against the flu is a flu shot. Without one, your body is much more susceptible to getting the flu. 
    Be sure to contact a healthcare provider if you have questions about the flu or are worried about symptoms. 

    Got a flu question or symptoms you're not sure about? Connect Care is here for you 24/7/365 (yes, even on holidays).