Use These Tips To Stay On Track With Your New Year's Goals
Last month, we shared five steps for attainable New Year’s resolutions. If you’re one of the third of Americans who make goals, we want to check-in. How is it going? Still following those attainable steps? Let’s solidify that routine or pick it back up.
If you have kept your resolutions
First, you’re a resolution rockstar! We knew you could do it and have faith in your future progress. Take a moment to congratulate yourself. Now, let’s take your approach even further.
Early success comes with the danger of comfortability. In other words, too much confidence can make goals less of a priority! This leads to dropping the ball on your resolutions. Keep your resolutions top of mind with these solidifying techniques.
Find an accountability partner
- It’s easy to stay motivated when you have somebody checking in. It’s even easier when you’re checking in on them too. Find an accountability buddy with a goal of their own, and schedule time to share progress. Bonus points if they have the same resolution!
Make a progress tracker
- As any professional will tell you, progress only exists when documented. Think about your organizational style and make a tracker. Color in a progress bar, make a spreadsheet, or send yourself an automated weekly survey. There are many ways to track growth, so find the best method for you.
Reward yourself
- Accomplishing goals is always rewarding, but why not reward as you go? Use your tracker to set milestone achievements and treat yourself when you reach them. This could be anything from a spa trip to a museum day. Think about the best incentive and reach for those rewards!
If you haven’t kept your resolutions
You’ve struggled, but we have faith in your future progress too! Don’t give up because of a slip- up. In the words of American poet Nikki Giovanni, “Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.”
Making a mistake is an incredible opportunity to learn. You can understand and avoid your personal pitfalls. It’s time to bring your goal back to life. Revive that resolution with these recovery techniques.
Tear down roadblocks
- How do you not put your resolution at risk again? Make a strategy to not only avoid roadblocks but tear them down. Maybe your mistake was eating processed foods after a goal to avoid them. Instead of telling yourself not to buy those chips, don’t visit that grocery store aisle in the first place.
Implement with intention
- Getting back on track is a chance to refocus your strategy. What was and was not helping you achieve your goal? Maybe that online calendar wasn’t helping, but the accountability partner was. Redesign your resolution approach!
Jump into it
- Sometimes the shame of mistakes prevents us from jumping back in. This can lead to a spiral of procrastination. As intuitive as it may seem, the hardest part is starting. Give yourself a second chance and feel productive as soon as you begin.
Time to make those attainable goals stick. On three, two, one, go!