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Women's health

  • Gynecology
Man and woman hugging and laughing on a sofa

Contraception that works for you

Whatever questions you have about contraception and the options available to you, we’re here to help.

Our supportive specialists are experts in the area of birth control and contraception and can help your find the best approach for you — whatever your plans.

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Birth control

Contraception can help plan for your family’s future, and you may have questions when choosing the right option for you. At Intermountain, we offer comprehensive family planning and contraception care and help you to navigate all of your choices. 1

We have a variety of birth control options available including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Combination pills
  • Mini Pills (progestin-only)
  • Extended-cycle pill
  • Birth Control Injections
  • Vaginal ring
  • Diaphragm
  • IUD
  • Patch
  • Implant
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Sterilization

More birth control resources

Want more information about your birth control options before you meet with us? Explore these resources for more information.

1 Not all services are available at all Intermountain Health locations. Talk to your health provider to learn more.
young woman looking at mobile phone

If birth control is all you need, Intermountain now offers faster access without an appointment with a provider. Complete the online health assessment and request form to see if you qualify for birth control shipped to your door.

Birth control on demand