Pregnancy Immunizations

Immunizations for a healthy pregnancy

Thinking of having a baby?

Get shots before you get pregnant. It is best when shots are given before a woman becomes pregnant.

Whether it is your first baby, or you are planning to have another child, get up-to-date on your shots to protect you and your family. Talk with your doctor about which shots are right for you.

Woman in exercise clothes sitting on an exercise mat looking at her stomach

Pregnancy planning immunization checklist

  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Flu (influenza)
  • Chickenpox
  • Hepatitis B

Let your doctor know if you find out that you were pregnant at the time you got shots.

When you are pregnant

You need a flu shot! During pregnancy, the flu can cause serious health problems for you and your baby. A flu shot is a safe and easy way to protect both you and your baby from the influenza virus.

You also need a tetanus shot or Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough).

Vaccinate during each pregnancy ideally between 27 and 36 weeks of gestation.

Traveling out of the United States? Talk with your doctor about shots to protect you from diseases that are still common in other parts of the world.

Good News! The protection you get from some shots is passed on to your baby during pregnancy. This will help protect your newborn.

After your baby is born

Get caught up. After you give birth, get any immunizations you may have missed. Some shots are even given in the hospital before you leave.

Stop flu and whooping cough! Babies can get very sick from the flu and whooping cough, but are too young to be immunized. To protect your new baby, flu and whooping cough shots are needed for anyone who lives with your baby, or takes care of your baby.

Prevent germs from spreading. Remind people who are around your new baby to wash their hands often and cover their mouths when they cough.

Good News! Getting shots while you are breastfeeding is safe for you and your baby.