For patients

Request medical records in Utah or Idaho

For patients in Utah or Idaho only.

How to request your medical records

Choose the option that best fits your needs. For patients in Utah and Idaho only.

If you have questions, please contact the Medical Records Request Line at (385) 533-0440.

Option 1: Patient portal

The Patient Portal provides access to a limited set of your health record at no cost to you. Those records include history and physicals, discharge summaries, lab results, image reports, ED notes and progress notes.

Option 2: Secure website

Option 3: Printable form

Download and print the form:

Return your completed form via one of the following options:

  • Mail: PO Box 571069, Murray, UT 84157
  • Fax: (385) 215-7047
  • Email:
  • Walk in: Medical Records Department Directory

Charges may apply for medical record copies or CD/DVD radiology images released. Medical records requests will be filled within 30 days of your request.

Copies of medical records may be released to a third party (someone other than the patient) upon receipt of written authorization from the patient or the patient’s legal guardian. 

If you have questions, please contact the Medical Records Request Line at 385-533-0440.

Authorize the release of your records

Option 1: Secure website

Option 2: Download and print the form

Return your completed form via one of the following options:

  • Mail: PO Box 571069, Murray, UT 84157
  • Fax: (385) 215-7047
  • Email:
  • Walk in: Medical Records Department Directory 

Share your records with another medical provider

Copies of medical records can be sent to another healthcare provider free of charge. Ask your provider to request your records from Intermountain directly for the fastest processing. If you submit your own request, be sure to indicate on the form that the purpose is for CONTINUITY OF CARE.

Subpoenas, court orders, and legal requests for records

All other 3rd parties

  • Copies of medical records can be sent to any other individual or organization as directed by the patient or their legal guardian. Additional fees apply as allowed by the state. Submission options are listed above.


If there is an error in your medical record, you have the right to request an amendment. Requests must be made in writing, and you will receive a response within 60 days. In some cases, additional time is needed to complete the request. You will be notified if an extension is needed.

Request an amendment

Download the print the form:

Return your completed form via one of the following options:

  • Mail: PO Box 571069, Murray, UT 84157
  • Fax: (385) 215-7047
  • Email:
  • Walk in: Medical Records Department Directory  

If you have questions please contact the Medical Records Request Line, at (385) 533-0440.

What is an amendment and what should I do if I think the information in a record is inaccurate?

  • An amendment is a formal request to alter or create an addendum to a record. It is used in cases where it is not felt that the original documentation accurately reflects the condition, diagnosis, treatment, or other actions relating to health care provided to the patient. Please note that Intermountain Healthcare is unable to change health information in a document but can create an amendment to the record.
  • It is required that the request is submitted in writing.
  • Please be as specific as possible regarding information that is felt to be inaccurate, as well as why it is felt to be inaccurate, to aid in the decision-making process.
  • One or more amendment requests may be made. Each request will be considered separately.

What happens if the amendment is approved?

  • Because the original record is a legal document, the disputed wording cannot be changed, but an addendum can be attached to the record for future use.
  • Generally, notification regarding approval of the amendment request will be made within 60 days. If a decision cannot be made within 60 days, you will be notified regarding why there is a delay, and there may be a 30-day extension.
  • A copy of the amended information will be sent to you as soon as it has been completed.
  • You may request that copies of the amended record be sent to other healthcare providers or health insurers you designate. An authorization form will be sent to you with the copy of the amended information and must be sent back within the designated timeframe.

Why would the amendment request be denied?

  • If it is determined that an Intermountain Healthcare employee or healthcare provider did not create the disputed information, an amendment to the record cannot be done.
  • The disputed information is in a record that is never used to make healthcare treatment decisions or payment decisions.
  • The information may be a record that the Federal law indicates is not available for you to amend.
  • The author of the information believes the record is accurate and complete as it was originally documented. 

What happens if the amendment request is denied?

  • Generally, notification regarding denial of the amendment request will be made within 60 days. If a decision cannot be made within 60 days, you will be notified regarding why there is a delay, and there may be a 30-day extension.
  • A letter will be sent with an explanation of why the amendment request was denied.
  • You will be provided with information regarding where a complaint can be made, both at Intermountain Healthcare and the Federal agency that handles these complaints.
  • You will have one of three options:
    • Option 1: Do nothing.
    • Option 2: You can request that a copy of a summary of your amendment request and Intermountain Healthcare's response be sent every time a copy of the disputed information is released.
    • Option 3: You can submit a written statement of disagreement.
  • If a written statement of disagreement is submitted, it will be scanned into the medical record and maintained with the information in question. It will be released any time the information in question is released.

Contact us

Medical records from Primary Children's Hospital

Because of the collaborative relationship with the University of Utah, where you request medical records depends on where your child was treated.

If your child was seen at one of the following clinics, contact the University of Utah Department of Pediatrics Medical Records at 801-213-3599, or use the online records request tool. 

  • Adolescent Medicine
  • Cardiology (except in case of echo or cardiac catheterization)
  • Clinical Nutrition Clinic
  • Complex Care
  • Gastroenterology
  • Genetics/Metabolic Clinic
  • Endocrinology
  • Immunology/Allergy
  • Infectious Disease
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department (Between dates 7/1/2015 and 2/4/2019)
  • Pulmonology
  • Rheumatology
Primary Children's Hospital holds the medical records for all inpatients and patients seen at other Primary Children's specialty clinics. You can request records using the instructions at the top of this page, or call 385-533-0440 for assistance.
father and child on laptop

If you have questions or issues regarding the medical records release of information process, please contact the Medical Records Request Line.

Department Directory

View contact information and directions to medical records offices in Utah.

Intermountain Medical Records Department

Intermountain Home Care and Hospice Medical Records Department

  • 11520 South Redwood Road, South Jordan, UT 84095
  • Phone: 801-906-7400
  • Fax: 801-657-5017

Rehab Agency (Salt Lake WorkMed) Medical Records Department

  • 1685 West 2200 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84119
  • Fax: 801-972-1384

Medical Group Clinics


  • Bear River Valley Hospital is open weekdays from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
  • All other offices are open weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, excluding holidays.

Address and directions

View all hospital locations.

  1. Alta View Hospital; 9660 S 1300 E; Sandy, UT 84094; The Medical Records Office is located in Building #5. From the lobby go back to the hallway, take a right. Down the hall, the office will be on your left.
  2. American Fork Hospital; 170 N 1100 E; American Fork, UT 84003; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building. From the lobby, take the left hallway. The office is located in a small lobby with Administration.
  3. Bear River Valley Hospital; 905 N 1000 W; Tremonton, UT 84337; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building. From the lobby, take the left hallway. The office is the last door on your right.
  4. Cassia Regional Hospital; 1501 Hiland Ave.; Burley, ID 83318; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building lobby, next to registration.
  5. Cedar City Hospital; 1303 N Main St.; Cedar City, UT 84721; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building. Enter through the front entrance, take the elevator to the lower level, take a left. The office is located across the hall from the elevator.
  6. Delta Community Hospital; 126 S White Sage Ave.; Delta, UT 84624; This office is supported remotely, please call us at 385-533-0440 and our HIM team will be happy to assist.
  7. Fillmore Community Hospital; 674 S Hwy 99; Fillmore, UT 84631; This office is supported remotely, please call us at 385-533-0440 and our HIM team will be happy to assist.
  8. Garfield Memorial Hospital; 200 N 400 E.; Panguitch, UT 84759; This office is supported remotely, please call us at 385-533-0440 and our HIM team will be happy to assist.
  9. Herber Valley Hospital; 454 E Medical Way; Heber City, UT 84032; The Medical Records office is located in the main building. Walk straight ahead, the office is located on the right side with Administration.
  10. Intermountain Medical Center; 5121 S Cottonwood St.; Murray, UT 84107; The Medical Records Office is located in the Women's Center, Building #7. Take the elevators down to Lower Level 2, turn right, the office is straight ahead.
  11. Layton Hospital; 201 W Layton Pkwy; Layton, UT 84041; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building, in the lobby go back through the double doors. The office is located next to Administration.
  12. LDS Hospital; 8th Ave & C St.; Salt Lake City, UT 84143; The Medical Records Office is located on the 2nd Floor. From the main lobby, take the elevators to the 2nd floor. Take a right off the elevator, the office will be on the right, down the hallway.
  13. Logan Regional Hospital; 1400 N 500 E; Logan, UT 84341; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building, take the elevators to the 2nd floor. Turn left out of the elevator, follow the signs to the office.
  14. McKay-Dee Hospital; 4401 Harrison Blvd.; Ogden, UT 84403; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building. From the lobby, take the elevators to the 3rd floor. Follow the signs to suite 3701.
  15. Orem Community Hospital; 331 N 400 W; Orem, UT 84057; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building, immediately to the left as you enter the front door.
  16. Park City Hospital; >900 Round Valley Dr.; Park City, UT 84060; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building. In the lobby, take a right, go past registration, the office is on the left.
  17. Primary Children's Hospital; 100 N Mario Capecchi Dr.; Salt Lake City, UT 84113; The Medical Records Office is located in the Eccles Outpatient Building. If entering from the parking structure, take the elevator to the main floor. Across the lobby is a 2nd set of elevators, take those to the basement level. Take a left off the elevator, the office is straight ahead.
  18. Riverton Hospital; 3741 W 12600 S; Riverton, UT 84065; The Medical Records Office is located in Building #2, Outpatient Center. From the lobby, go left. The office is located to the right, behind the cashier.
  19. Sanpete Valley Hospital; 1100 S Medical Dr.; Mount Pleasant, UT 84647; This office is supported remotely, please call us at 385-533-0440 and our HIM team will be happy to assist.
  20. Sevier Valley Hospital;1000 N Main St.; Richfield, UT 84701; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building. From the lobby, take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Take a left off the elevator, the office is in the Administration Office.
  21. Spanish Fork Hospital; 765 E Marketplace Dr.; Spanish Fork, UT 84660; The Medical Records Office is located in the main building lobby, next to registration
  22. St. George Regional Hospital; 1380 E Medical Center Dr.; St George, UT 84790; The Medical Records Office is located in Building 4. Take the elevators down to Lower Level. Take a left off the elevator, follow the signs to the office
  23. TOSH - The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital; 5848 S 300 E; Murray, UT 84107; This office is supported remotely, please call us at 385-533-0440 and our HIM team will be happy to assist.
  24. Utah Valley Hospital; 1034 N 500 W; Provo, UT 84604; The Medical Records Office is located in the Women's Center, Building # 2. Take the elevator to the second floor. Take a left off the elevator. Follow the signs to the office.