Survivor Stories


Cathy Cooper's Story

Cathy, a Life Flight nurse, talks of being positive in your fight with breast cancer and reassures people there is help.


Dani Frank's Story

Dani Franks, a West Haven Elementary school teacher, tells of her diagnosis of breast cancer, her treatment, and her eventual victory over it.


Deb Heywood's Story

Deb Heywood now knows the importance of having an annual mammogram for breast cancer, after finding a lump she waited, reluctant to get care, but with the encouragement of her husband, she eventually saw a physician. The diagnosis was cancer, but with help of doctors and nurses, she received the care and support to be cancer free today. Deb now recommends to everyone not to wait, if you find something suspicious, get it check out as soon as possible.


Kaye Petersen's Story

During a routine mammogram, doctors discovered breast cancer in Kaye Lani Petersen. Thanks to early detection and a team of quick responding doctors and surgeons she is cancer free today.


Susan Hancey's Story

Susan Hancey, discovered she had breast cancer through regular a mammography screening, thankfully, with the help the cancer center at Logan Regional Hospital, she was able to get the treatment she needed to be cancer free today.


Do Whatever it Takes

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. If you're over 40, do whatever it takes to remind yourself to get a mammogram.


Dr. Reading's Breast Cancer Treatment Philosophy

Intermountain physician, Dr. Reading, talks about her philosophy.