West Pines

Recovery Nurse Advocate Program

The Recovery Nurse Advocate Program helps pregnant women who are addicted, or struggle with past addiction, lead a healthier and happier life

The Recovery Nurse Advocate Program helps pregnant women who are addicted, or struggle with past addiction, lead a healthier and happier life. Nurse Advocates act as a partner, providing one-on-one support to help patients set and reach their goals.

We help moms and babies achieve and maintain freedom from addiction. We provide help with the following:

  • Prenatal care, substance use care and mental health care
  • Get baby supplies
  • Transportation resources to medical visits until other resources can be put in place
  • Learn about your baby, changes in your body, and helping you prepare for delivery during pregnancy
  • Learn about your child's development during baby's first year
  • Get additional peer support through the Circle of Parents support group
  • Gain additional prenatal, labor and postpartum support using a Doula*
  • *A Doula is a non-medically training birth coach that can provide additional education about your body during pregnancy and the labor process.  They are also available to attend your delivery.  

    For referring providers, please complete this Care Coordination Referral Form and email it to Peaks-RecoveryNurseAdvocateTeam@imail.org or fax to 303-403-6274

    Man in blue scrubs with a stethoscope and a clipboard

    Once you complete the online form, a substance abuse counselor will contact you. You can also call 303-467-4080