General Advice

  • Plan sufficient time for your procedure. As a general rule, it takes around 1.5 hours to ablate one vein. Phlebectomies can take anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • We recommend that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing on the day, as you’ll be wearing a strong compression stocking when you leave. You may also be bandaged up.
  • You will be asked to fast 6 hours for solid food and 2 hours for clear liquids. We also ask that you take any medication as normal, unless we’ve given you any specific instructions to the contrary.
  • We don’t have a particularly large waiting room. As such, we’d really appreciate if you could arrange childcare during your appointment, rather than bringing young ones with you.
  • You won’t be able to drive yourself home after your procedure, so be sure to have transport arranged or, where possible, someone available to drive you home.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot allow your loved ones to join you in the treatment room, so they should plan to wait somewhere else during your procedure.


Frequently Asked Questions

Am I insured for this treatment?

If you’re unsure about your insurance coverage, please feel free to give us a call. We find that most insurance companies do cover the procedures we offer. We’ll be able to check for you.

Is it best to wait until I’ve finished having children before I have vein treatment?

It is best to wait 1-2 months after pregnancy and breastfeeding to seek treatment. If you’re finding your varicose veins or pelvic venous insufficiency are becoming unbearable, you can definitely seek consultation.

Are spider veins or varicose veins caused by pregnancy?

Women are more likely to develop varicose veins when they’re pregnant. This happens for a number of reasons. When a woman is pregnant, some of her veins may be compressed by her pelvis, and she’ll experience a decrease in the muscle tone in her vein walls. This relaxation of smooth muscle is what causes vein distension and lessens the veins’ ability to pump blood back to the heart. As a result, blood can sometimes pool in the leg veins, and, in some cases, lead to varicose vein disease.

How do you know which veins need treatment?

We create a personalized treatment plan for every patient. We base this on a number of things, including their medical history and a physical examination. Further, we use ultrasound to spot the origins of any venous disease. Every patient is different and is built in their own way, so we customize our treatment plan to suit each individual case.

Can you treat all of my veins at once?

More often than not, patients need more than one procedure to treat all of their varicose veins. In some cases, however, patients may have a single troublesome vein. In these instances, one treatment can be all that’s needed. No matter how many treatments are required, we always stress the importance of attending your follow-up appointments.

Will the procedure hurt?

At worst, you’ll experience some minor discomfort. You can rest assured, however, that this discomfort is tolerable. If you do experience any pain, we’ll treat this with a local anesthetic. After your treatment, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory tablets will suffice to keep any aches at bay.

Can I return to normal physical activity after the treatment?

The majority of your recovery will happen within the week after your procedure. The first 24 hours you should rest and limit strenuous activity for 3-5 days until ultrasound follow-up.

Will I be left with any scars after the procedure?

In most cases, any physical changes will fade with time. Varicose vein treatments can leave some minor scarring, localized bronzing or skin discoloration, but nothing too noticeable or permanent.

How do I pay for the treatment?

We’ll be able to check your insurance for you, to see if you’re covered for the treatment. For self-pay procedures, payment is due at the time of services.