Home Enteral Feeding Transitions (HEFT)
The HEFT team supports former NICU babies who go home with a feeding tube (NG or GT), for supplemental nutrition or thickened feeds.
Our goal is to help your baby transition from the NICU to home and assist in their nutrition and oral feeds. Our dedicated team consists of pediatric gastroenterologists, nurse practitioner, speech therapists, dieticians, and nursing staff to support your baby's oral skills, nutrition, and growth. Because each baby's feeding and tube weaning needs are unique, we use an individualized process to continually support your baby's progress and success. We help to coordinate care plans with your pediatrician and home care teams for prescriptions, referrals, and home health needs.
Our data shows that most babies will discharge their feeding tubes within 90 days of discharge from the NICU.
Clinic Requirements:
To qualify as a patient, infants must be able to partially eat by mouth, and recently discharged from the NICU of an affiliated hospital. At this time, our patients are internally referred by these NICUs upon discharge.