The Safe and Healthy Families medical providers and forensic nurses are specially trained in the area of sexual abuse and pediatric evidence collection. They will work with your doctors and other specialists to determine the very best plan of care for your child.
When we see your child we will:
- Listen to you about what your concerns are regarding your child and why you brought your child to the hospital.
- Take a complete and thorough history regarding your concerns.
- Do a complete physical examination.
- Carefully document all of the information we are given.
- Decide on the best plan of care for your child and your family.
- Keep you informed of any decisions regarding your child's care.
We may:
- Take photographs of any injuries.
- Order laboratory tests and X-rays.
- Gather evidence if we are concerned a crime has been committed.
- Consult with the Division of Child and Family Services or law enforcement.
We encourage you to ask all the questions you want during this process. Please feel free to tell us about any concerns you have about the examination, photographic documentation, or evidence collection. You can ask for a medical social worker to help you at any time.
Reporting Suspected Abuse
Our physicians, nurse practitioners and forensic nurses work closely with other people in the community to make sure your child is safe. One of the causes of injury or illness could be that someone has hurt your child. We are required by law to report concerns of child abuse and will tell you if we plan to make such a report.