Behavioral Health

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Suicidal thoughts and behaviors

What do I need to know about suicide?

It is normal for some people to experience thoughts of suicide at some point in their lives. Most people who experience this are usually looking for a way to escape unbearable pain or to solve a problem where there seems to be no other solution. Suicidal thoughts tend to come with feelings of being overwhelmed, hopeless, or as if you are a burden to those around you.

Fortunately, there is help available for people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. With the right treatment and support, most people who experience thoughts of suicide or those with suicidal attempts find recovery and go on to lead meaningful lives.

Warning signs

Signs of Suicide Risk

What are some signs that someone may be thinking about suicide?

Most people who are thinking about suicide often express their thoughts in a variety of different ways. We can be aware of the things people say, the way people act, and their moods to help alert us to a possible suicide risk.

Listen for:

  • Talk of suicide such as, “I wish I could sleep forever” or “if _____ happens, I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
  • Talk of hopelessness such as, “Why try anymore?" or "things are never going to get better.”
  • Talk of being a burden such as, “I keep messing up" or "my family would be better off without me.”

Watch for changes in behavior:

  • Negative changes in mood (depression, anxiety, humiliation, agitation, etc.)
  • Withdrawing from other people
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
  • Looking for a way to kill themselves such as searching online
  • Saying goodbye or tying up loose ends
Helping hand illustration

Please reach out if you are considering suicide. There is help available. You have a life worth living. If you are in crisis, call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988.

Call 988

How to help

How to Help Someone You're Concerned About

How can I help someone I am concerned about?


Ask directly if they are considering suicide.


Listen with empathy and concern, don't shame or condescend.


Have contacts for help lines and local resources ready.


Help them create a safe environment.


Be a support for them and follow up to check on them.

Lock up pills and firearms

Remove access to lethal means.

Behavioral health resources

We have a number of resources available for you to explore.

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 24/7 free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24/7.

Call 988

When you call the Intermountain Behavioral Health Services Navigation line, you can expect to talk to someone who can help you access your needs and connect you with the right resources.

Call 833-442-2211

Connect Care virtual appointments can be done anywhere in Utah, Idaho, or Nevada using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Learn more

Schedule Now in My Health+

Live On provides resources for those struggling with suicidal ideation or other mental health concerns.

Live On Resources

Intermountain offers free guided mindfulness classes that can help reduce stress.

Find a Class

Intermountain Health is partnering with CredibleMind to bring you free mental health resources across 100+ topics to help you live a healthier life.Take charge of your mental health with tools to help you:

  • Relieve stress
  • Manage anxiety
  • Sleep better
  • Beat burnout
  • Prevent depression
  • And so much more…
Get Started

Learn more about the various types of anxiety disorders, including signs, symptoms, and risk factors.

About Anxiety Disorders

The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration can you help you anonymously seek behavioral health treatment anywhere in the United States.

SAMHSA Treatment Locator

Find care

Behavioral Health Navigation

Navigating behavioral health support at Intermountain doesn’t have to be complicated. We can help you find the right resources, at the right time, to meet your needs. Call us.

Adults: 833-442-2211Teens: 801-313-7711
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