School support


School services

School is a normal part of a child's day. In a hospital, schoolwork can provide a degree of normalcy and offer positive distraction. Continuing school work and academic development during a hospital stay is critical for patients and their siblings. School Services at Primary Children's Hospital provides opportunities for hospitalized children and siblings to continue educational activities through academic tasks.

Hospital teachers can also create a school reintegration plan, so a child is safe and successful when they return to school. If parents provide permission, we will communicate accommodations that may be necessary to facilitate the transition back to school following a hospital stay.

We also try to make learning fun by providing the following weekly educational activities:

  • Are You Smarter Than Game Show
  • Story Time
  • Virtual Reality

Go to Ch. 8 on the TV in your patient room to review the Daily Activity Schedule to find days and times for these activities.

The School Zone

The School Zone is located on Level 3 of the main hospital between the North Elevators. School Services offers the following educational services/activities:

  • Tutoring and academic instruction
  • Check-out iPads or Chromebooks
  • School supplies
  • Books to read
  • Establish contact with the patient’s school
  • Identify the patient’s academic needs
  • Help patient and family members navigate the education system
  • Provide documentation to patient’s school
  • Educate school personnel about the student’s special needs
  • Provide educational resources to families
  • Facilitate transition back to school following a hospital stay

Ask your nurse to Vocera: School Services