Northern Utah Pediatrics understands that for parents, nothing is more important than caring for your newborn. With an expert team of pediatric doctors we deliver the best care possible for your newborn.

Recommended Well-Baby Visits

Every appointment involves a full exam including the ears, eyes, mouth, skin, heart and lungs, abdomen, hips and legs and genitalia. Your pediatrician will also track and evaluate your baby’s growth and development.

Your first well visit usually occurs within a few days of being discharged from the hospital. This first visit is important to assess feeding and weight gain. It will include a full exam. Your infant may need to have labs drawn to assess bilirubin levels.

Your next visit will occur at about 2 weeks of age. At this visit, we again assess feeding and weight gain. Your infant will need their newborn metabolic screen completed at this visit. This involves a heel stick to collect blood for the labs.

After the newborn visits, your infant will have well baby visits according to the following schedule:

  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 month
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 month
  • 24 months

Each visit will include:

  • Screening questions (relating to lead exposure, tuberculosis risk, and fluoride)
  • A full physical exam
  • Developmental screening
  • Any needed immunizations

In addition, some visits include:

  • Laboratory screening (newborn metabolic screening, bilirubin, lead, and hemoglobin levels)
  • Autism screening
  • Hearing screens
  • Other testing as needed