Pediatric healthcare is important to the well being of our future generations. From birth through adolescence, new parents rely on our pediatric doctors. Northern Utah Pediatrics offers comprehensive pediatric care from well-baby visits to managing chronic conditions.

Recommended Well-Child Visits

Our pediatricians are experts in general childhood health, from growth spurts and development to vaccines and preventative medicine. They can help with the many choices you will face throughout parenthood. Your pediatrician will also be able to refer you to specialists and point you towards helpful resources.

Our practice adheres to the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for health supervision of children and adolescents. Each appointment involves a full exam including the ears, eyes, mouth, skin, heart, lungs, abdomen, hips and legs, and genitalia. Your pediatrician will also track and evaluate your child's growth and development.

Your child will have well visits according to the following schedule:

  • Within 1-2 days after leaving the hospital at birth
  • 2 weeks
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months
  • Annually between the ages of 3 and 18 years

Each visit will include:

  • Age appropriate screening questions (relating to lead exposure, tuberculosis risk, and fluoride)
  • A full physical examination
  • Developmental Screening
  • Any needed immunizations
  • Tracking growth and development
  • Providing information on health and safety issues
  • Discussing nutrition and physical fitness
  • Providing guidance and answering your questions

In addition, some visits include:

  • Laboratory screening (lead and hemoglobin levels)
  • Autism Screening at 18 and 24 months of age
  • Hearing screening
  • Vision screening
  • Other testing as needed