Intermountain Healthcare

Pam Dibblee, Rehab Manager

"As a clinician and manager, ROMS has assisted me in the development of staff therapists, physician relations and patient prognoses. Using ROMS, I look at clinical outcomes with my therapists and together we can identify areas where clinicians need to develop skills, as well as areas where they are successful.

The 'Referral Source Report' tracks physician referrals and helps me determine marketing strategies. I am able to provide physicians with outcome scores on an individual patient through their care. I can also provide a physician with data on how a specific group of patients has performed and can compare physicians with other physicians. This has led to improved protocols and patient management.

To keep patients informed and involved in the care process, I use the ROMs system to assist in educating on prognosis and expected outcomes and can easily look back at course of care with the 'Patient Progress Report'.

For me, ROMS has been a valuable tool for staff, physician, and patient engagement."

PT Northwest

Kennedy Hawkins, President and General Manager

"When we have gone out to market to physicians, ROMS has led to increased referrals. When we have spoke to insurance companies, they have been impressed with ROMS and it has led to several pilot bundled payment projects."

I would highly recommend ROMS to any physical therapy group. It is a truly unique outcomes platform in our industry."


Ken Schaecher, Medical Director