Overview of Cardiac Rehab

Cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) includes inpatient and outpatient services to help patients physically rehabilitate their heart through carefully monitored exercise.

Inpatient rehabilitation often starts in less than 24 hours following heart surgery to make sure that patients do not suffer the unwanted effects of prolonged bed rest. Goals are set each session to help patients regain optimal strength, balance, and confidence. Our exercise professionals also help patients know and understand what they need to be doing at home for exercise after discharge.

Our outpatient cardiac rehabilitation is a series of appointments where heart patients return to our center to exercise with specially trained staff. Patients set their own exercise goals, and therapists help them to achieve, modify, or increase these goals as needed. Therapists report to the patients' physicians on their progression so that the patients' entire medical team remains involved and informed.

In outpatient cardiac rehab, you'll regain strength and endurance in a supportive, safe setting.

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