The Primary Care Clinical Program works with providers in both the Intermountain Medical Group and affiliated clinics to deliver high-quality care. The Primary Care Clinical Program’s focus is to research and apply practices that help patients prevent or better manage chronic conditions and live overall healthier lives.


Advancements in preventing and managing chronic conditions.


Choosing Wisely

Patterned after the Choosing Wisely® campaign of the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, the Primary Care Clinical Program looked at national guidelines and recommendations as well as Intermountain data to develop Choosing Wisely® care process models for adults and pediatrics.

Controlling Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a silent killer. One in every three adults has high blood pressure, and it’s the primary or contributing cause of death for nearly 1,000 patients per day. Learn how Intermountain helps.


Diabetes Prevention Program

The Primary Care Clinical Program Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was designed to help those with prediabetes prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. The program is based on evidence suggesting that if a person loses 5 percent of their body weight, he or she can decrease the chance of getting diabetes by 58 percent in two years.