How to Prepare for a Disaster

How to Prepare for a Disaster

food storage supplies
Thousands of people are affected by disasters each year. Truly, no one is immune to emergencies like earthquakes, floods, severe weather, and the unexpected. That’s why experts recommend having a 3-day emergency disaster kit at home for you and your family. If this sounds daunting to prepare, don’t sweat it. We’ve got an easy to use Disaster Preparedness Calendar to download and follow thanks to Intermountain’s Center for Disaster Preparedness team.

How to Make Your Own Kit

How to Make Your Own Kit 

In just a few minutes a day you can put together your own emergency kit. This 24-week calendar gives you a series of easily achievable steps formatted as a weekly list of disaster supplies and activities to complete over a period of time.

“Our goal is to get a copy of the Disaster Preparedness Calendar into the hands of every member of our community,” says Karen Blackwood, PhD, director of the Disaster Preparedness Center. “Preparing your family and home for disasters will make it easier for you and others when disasters strike.”

How the Calendar Has Made a Difference

How the Calendar Has Made a Difference

Doran Sorensen, RN, a nurse at Intermountain Medical Center, received a copy of the Disaster Preparedness Calendar and shared it with his brother from Texas. When Hurricane Harvey struck Texas last fall, Doran's brother says the preparations he'd made using the calendar really helped.

"My brother called to tell me they were okay and told me they'd started using the calendar I gave them," Doran says. "Without the calendar, I'm not sure how my brother would have fared. I'm very glad I shared the information when I did, and that he took action."

You can download the Disaster Preparedness Calendar here. For more information about the Intermountain Center for Disaster Preparedness visit