mother and daughter hugging

Pulmonary Vascular Disease Program

at Primary Children's Hospital


The care of children with pulmonary vascular disease can be complex. The outcome of patients is improved when care is provided by experienced individuals who are devoted to improving the evaluation and treatment for this spectrum of disease.

Dr. Ronald Day has been devoted to improving the care of children with pulmonary vascular disease and pulmonary hypertension at Primary Children’s Heart Center since 1991. We are expanding the scope of the program with our commitment to care, research, and education.

Our program

Comprehensive Care

We strive to provide optimal care, tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Key components include:

  • Accurately identifying the cause of pulmonary vascular disease.
  • Safely determining the severity of pulmonary vascular disease.
  • Providing every available option for treatment to improve the patient’s quality and length of life.
  • Providing support for the physical and emotional well-being of patients and their families.


We strive to help patients, families, and care providers understand pulmonary vascular disease by:

  • Providing education for patients and their families.
  • Providing education for other health care providers.
  • Providing patients, families, and care providers with access to support from other organizations that offer resources and hope for the treatment of this disease.

At Primary Children’s Heart Center, we are committed to providing compassionate care and empowering our patients with hope.

Our campus

Visiting and staying at Primary Children's Hospital

Whether you're visiting a patient, have a child being admitted overnight, or are staying with us for a longer period, we are committed to making the experience the best it can be.

dad and son in ronald mcdonald family room