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Welcome to expert orthopedic hip care, where specialized diagnosis and treatment ensure optimal function and mobility. Our professional teams in Colorado, Nevada, Montana, and Utah are dedicated to your hip health.
Hip conditions can impact anyone, regardless of age or activity level. From arthritis to injuries to pinched nerves, causes vary. Our Intermountain team will carefully assess your situation to determine the best care options for hip pain
Experience compassionate expertise in orthopedic hip care, restoring your mobility and relieving discomfort with precision and care
Expect comprehensive orthopedic hip care tailored to your needs, ensuring optimal recovery and renewed mobility with expert guidance
Experience personalized orthopedic hip care, where your needs are the priority. Mobility and comfort await with you at the center
We offer comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs, including these advanced services.
Comprehensive Hip Evaluation
Diagnostic Imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT scans)
Non-Surgical Treatments (PT, medication, injections)
Hip Arthroscopy
Hip Replacement Surgery
Revision Hip Replacement
Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery
Hip Fracture Management
Rehabilitation Services