Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders
Who and When to Call
Call 911 if your child has a life-threatening emergency.
Call the Clinic
Call anytime if your child has any of the following:
- One-time temperature of 101 F (38.3 C) or more; or
- A temperature of 100.4 F (38.0 C) or more, lasting more than an hour
- Shaking chills
- A broken central venous catheter
- Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea
- Bleeding that last more than 10 minutes
- Blood in the urine or stool (bowel movements)
- Frequent urination or burning with urination
- Pain with bowel movement
- Moderate to severe pain
- Development of, or exposure to, the chicken pox or measles
- Severe headache
- General sick feeling without knowing why
- Any concerns that cannot safely wait until business hours
During business hours if:
- You need to make a routine appointment for your child
- Your child needs a refill of medicine
- Your child has been constipated (no bowel movement) for three days or longer
- Your child has mild pain or mild headache
- Your child has yellow skin color
- Your child has dry lips, tongue, or mouth
- You have any concerns or questions
- You need to know your child’s laboratory results
Call your Home Health Care company
If either of the following:
Your child’s central venous catheter will not flush
Your supplies are low