Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction Program

About Us

With a constantly expanding Heart program and commitment to clinical research and comprehensive care, we have extensive experience treating congenital pulmonary artery diseases.  We understand that the care of children with pulmonary artery disease is challenging, with complex interactions among the heart, lung, liver, immune system, and blood.  As such, we have crafted our surgical techniques and multidisciplinary care to deliver the optimal outcomes.  The conditions we treat include, but are not limited to:

  • Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) with pulmonary atresia and Major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs)
  • Isolated pulmonary artery of ductal origin
  • Pulmonary Vascular Disease associated with Alagille syndrome or Williams Syndrome (PPAR peripheral pulmonary artery reconstructions)
  • Complex congenital pulmonary artery disease--stents, long-standing stenoses

What Sets Us Apart?

We are part of a few top pediatric programs in the United States that offers specialized and personalized treatments for children with pulmonary artery diseases. Our surgeons and interventionalists have trained with world experts in this field and approach each case with an individualized plan – one that fits for patient and family.

Care Team

Dr. Aaron Eckhauser

Pediatric Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Mary Hunt Martin

Pediatric Cardiology

Dr. Kelly Han

Pediatric Cardiology

What to Expect?

Care begins with proper cardiac testing to identify the causes and define the severity of the disease.  All patients are given every available option to combat their disease, improve their quality of life, and increase their chance for long-term survival.  Finally, the program provides support for the physical and emotional wellbeing of patients and their families, offering compassionate care and empowering patients with hope. Upon repair, most patients will need to see a pediatric cardiologist annually to monitor progress.

Refer a patient or child for a consult

To refer a patient, please complete the attached document and send to HeartCenterReferral@imail.org.  Within 48 hours, one of our outreach coordinators or nurse navigators will be in touch.  We will closely partner with all primary care physicians, referring providers, and other care team providers to ensure seamless integration and care treatment before and after interventions.