About Intermountain EAP

Employee Assistance Program

The Intermountain Employee Assistance Program is an employer benefit designed to support employees with personal or work-related stressors. Companies subscribe to Intermountain’s employee assistance program to provide support resources for their employees and their family members for any number of issues they might be experiencing. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this service, free to employees, and get the help you need!

July Highlight

Engage With Your Environment

We all interact with screens at an increasing rate for work, bills, and personal lives. Let’s stop and learn about the benefits of engaging with our environment, whether it be looking out a window, viewing pictures of nature, shopping Farmers Markets, going outside, or planning time in nature. According to the article “Nurtured by Nature,” “exposure to nature has been linked to a host of benefits, including improved attention, lower stress, better mood, reduced risk of psychiatric disorders and even upticks in empathy and cooperation” (author Kirsten Weir). Not only is nature a positive force for brain benefits, it can also lead to “the ability to reflect on a life problem.”
  • Ideas for Connecting With Your Environment:
  • Farmers Market or grocery produce section
  • Increase awareness of the sky, the view out your window
  • Strolls, rides, walks, hikes, or drives near where you live
  • Nature scavenger hunts
  • Revisiting photos or videos of past vacations
  • Slow, mindful appreciation of nature
  • Planning trips for nature experiences
  • Bird watching or gardening

As you engage with nature, your mood can lift and your mind can think through challenges. If you find yourself needing some deep breaths, take a look out the window or pop outside for a moment (or two) for reflection.

Mindfulness Mental Health Minute sessions through your EAP are a great way to learn techniques to lower stress as you engage with nature. Sign up for a 15 minute Mental Health Minute session here. 

For free, confidential counseling services, call 1-800-832-7733 M – F 8 am to 5 pm MST to schedule an appointment. In addition, our urgent call counselors will answer 24/7/365 for in-moment support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are counseling services?

Free, brief, confidential counseling is available to employees, spouses or domestic partners, and dependent children (ages 6 - 26) by a staff of licensed mental health professionals.