Running Education Classes


Hip and hamstring injuries

January 16 Wednesday 6:00 – 7:30

Hip and hamstring injuries are common to runners. If you would like to learn how to better decrease your risk of sustaining a hip or hamstring injury this is the clinic for you. We will also review techniques on treating current hip and hamstring injuries.

Warm up, cool down, recovery

February 20 Wednesday 6:00 – 7:30

Most runners are great to get in the weekly mileage. But a lot neglect the warm up, cool down, and recovery workouts. To improve your running and decrease your risk of some common running injuries we want to teach you the value of each component and how to implement them.

Treadmill, road, & trail running - Selecting shoes

March 27 Wednesday 6:00 -7:30

There is definitely a difference to running on a treadmill vs. running on the road vs. running on the trails. Anyone that has tried each can attest to that. The purpose of this seminar is to teach you what to expect out of each terrain, the benefits of each, and how to transition from one to the other.

Over training vs. under training

May 22 Wednesday 6:00 – 7:30

It’s not unusual to feel like more is better, and harder means more improvement. However, that is not always the case. There is a fine line between overtraining and undertraining and there are a few factors to consider. In this clinic you will learn what signs of overtraining look like, when you should back off, and what the effects of over- or undertraining can be.

Women’s health, triad

June 19 Wednesday 6:00 – 7:30

Yep, we all know it, men and women are different. Let’s talk about some of the difference to consider when training. We want to share how being a woman effects training and how our training can effect some women-specific concerns.

IT band & knee injuries

September 18 Wednesday 6:00 – 7:30

The knee gets blamed for taking out a lot of runners. However, that isn’t and doesn’t have to be the case. This clinic will discuss ways to decrease your risk of hurting your knee or IT band and how to treat current knee and IT band injuries.

See our Runners Nutrition Classes

Event Contact Information
Contact Name Rebecca Bennion, CSCS, TOSH Running Program Coordinator
Contact Phone 801-314-4037