The Merrill Gappmayer Family Medicine Center provides obstetrical (OB) and prenatal services to care for a mother and her unborn child.

Helping Moms Welcome Babies Into the World 

Our faculty physicians and residents deliver hundreds of babies each year and can provide care and treatment for:

  • fertility issues
  • prenatal education
  • pregnancy check-ups and monitoring
  • labor and delivery
  • C-sections
  • VBACs (Vaginal Birth after C-Sections)
  • and more

Personalized Care

Once you receive prenatal care at our clinic, you can expect to have the same physician throughout your pregnancy and delivery. This helps you and your physician better understand the progress of your pregnancy and better monitor how your baby is developing.

Where We Deliver

Our physicians deliver at Utah Valley Hospital, which is conveniently located to the north of the clinic. Delivery at this regional referral center gives you access to the latest in medical services, technology, and all the specialists needed to treat any unexpected complications that may arise.

Care for Your Baby Before and After Delivery

A benefit of receiving prenatal care from a family medicine clinic is the ability to stay with your doctor, before, during, and after the delivery of your baby. Our physicians can continue to provide newborn and pediatric care for your child to help him or her live the healthiest life possible.

Ongoing Gynecological Services

After pregnancy, you may continue to see our doctors for gynecologic care, including yearly exams, birth control, PAP smears, and other procedures.