Intermountain Health’s High Risk Cancer Prevention Clinic provides comprehensive, personalized care to individuals who are at increased risk of developing cancer. We help patients understand their risk for cancer, develop a personalized plan for surveillance and risk reduction, and ensure patients get appropriate care and support.

By identifying high-risk individuals early and providing appropriate care, we aim to detect cancer at an earlier, more treatable stage, and in certain cases, even prevent cancer from developing.

Who is considered at High Risk?

  • Individuals with a family history of certain cancers
  • Those who carry genetic mutations associated with increased cancer risk
  • Individuals with specific risk factors:
    • Breast cancer: dense breast tissue, thoracic radiation therapy, or abnormal breast biopsies
    • Gastrointestinal cancer: Family history of colon or uterine cancer before the age of 50, pancreatic or gastric cancer, or a known genetic mutation such as Lynch Syndrome

For more information regarding risk factors for specific cancers, visit the links for each type of cancer we specialize in below.

Our providers specialize in managing risk for:

Services Offered at the Clinic

Assessment and Testing

Thorough cancer risk assessments to understand factors that contribute to risk and same-day genetic testing when appropriate

Individualized Recommendations

Counseling and recommendations for cancer screening with the goal of reducing risk and early detection

Annual Visits

Annual visits with relevant updates to ensure appropriate screening tests are ordered and risk reduction methods are up to date

Make an Appointment

All visits through the High Risk Cancer Prevention Clinic are conducted virtually. If you or one of your healthcare providers is concerned that you might be at increased risk for cancer:

Schedule an appointment

Or your provider can make a referral

  • Fax (385)-297-2860
  • Order a consult to the High Risk Cancer Prevention Clinic in iCentra.