New Extraordinary Experiences caregiver recognition program

Wilson’s about to celebrate his 7th birthday, but his thoughts are elsewhere. He’s afraid, focused on the needle.
Extraordinary Experiences blog header

He rolls up his sleeve and places his arm in the gloved hand of his phlebotomist. “Do you want to hear a story?” she asks, looking down at him with caring eyes. Her voice breaks his trance. He shifts his gaze from his aching arm to her smiling face, hardly aware that the tense muscles in his shoulders have slowly started to relax. 
This is Wilson’s 74th visit to Primary Children’s in the last two years. Each visit shows in the tired eyes of his mother, who watches gratefully as her son’s mood slowly brightens. Moments like these, when caregivers give a bit of extra effort, have made all the difference. They’ve turned potentially scary experiences into meaningful connections, helping her son feel more human. 

Moments like Wilson’s are why we’re here and why we focus on creating extraordinary experiences. It’s more than just bedside manner. It’s our legacy, and our future. It’s what’s made Primary Children’s Hospital special for more than a century and is at the heart of who we are today. 

All of us, in every role, are capable of inspiring truly meaningful experiences. That’s why we’re so excited to launch Extraordinary Experiences, a program to recognize the caregivers whose actions motivate all of us to be the best we can. 

Beginning today, every caregiver, from every department, can nominate any Primary Children’s caregiver that’s making our hospital and facilities the best place to work and receive care. The process is simple and takes less than two minutes. Just visit or scan the QR code below and share what inspired you.  

Extraordinary Experiences SS Blue QR Code

We’ll highlight submissions in each edition of Pediatric Press, and if your nomination is included, you AND the nominee will receive a voucher for use in the istore (with cool new Children’s Health merch on the way soon)!

Inspired by an effective handoff? Impressed by a caregiver who takes our commit-to-sit principles to heart? Grateful for a caregiver who brightens your day by smiling and saying hello when you pass in the hall? Nominate them, win cool prizes, and make our hospital an even better place.

There’s no limit to nominations, so please participate often, have fun, and nominate caregivers inside and outside of your teams. If you have questions about the program or feedback about how it could be better, please send an email to

Thank you for all you do to Keep the Child First and Always, we’re excited to hear about what inspires you! 

—The Primary Children’s Hospital Patient Experience team



Liza Kotar, MS
Experience of Care Consultant, Office of Patient Experience
Children’s Health Care Continuum, Canyons Region  

Ryan Christensen
Operations Officer
Primary Children’s Hospital

Scot Sweet
Clinical Operations Senior Manager
Primary Children’s Hospital 

Karee Nicholson
Medical/Surgical Director
Primary Children’s Hospital