Extraordinary Experiences: Round 1 winners

Nicolette Lyhnakis, a Polysomnographic Technologist at the Sleep Lab at Primary Children’s Hospital, was on her way to her office when she noticed a patient and parent in the hallway who seemed overwhelmed, like they might be lost.  
Culture of Caring

This patient family spoke Spanish, so Nicolette asked a Spanish-speaking coworker, Polysomnographic Technologist Marietha Lazzaro, if she could help. Marietha was able to ask the family if they needed help, find out where their appointment was and point them to the right place. 

Nicolette and Marietha demonstrated how taking a moment to say, “Hello,” and offering to help can make someone’s day; these are the kinds of extraordinary experiences we always want to create for our patients and coworkers at Intermountain Children’s Health. 

Thank you, Nikki Benson, Outpatient/Diagnostic Clinic Manager for Pulmonary Services, for noticing this extraordinary moment and taking a few minutes out of your busy day to nominate Nicolette and Marietha! Congratulations Nicolette, Marietha, and Nikki! You are some of the first winners in our Extraordinary Experiences campaign! 

Other winners this round include: 

  • Jacqui Ouellette, nominated by Lesley Pasqualetto 
  • Bailey Kinseth, nominated by Aaron Fanello 
  • Katie Newton, nominated by Madi Traveller 

All of these honorees, and the alert caregivers who nominated them, have prizes on their way! 

Nominations are still underway! Every caregiver, from every department, can nominate any Primary Children’s caregiver, inside or outside your team, who exemplifies Effective Handoffs, Commit to Sit, and 10-5 principles, or just gives a bit of extra effort to create extraordinary experiences for our patients and fellow caregivers. The process is simple and takes less than two minutes. And there is no limit to nominations! Nominate often to recognize all the extraordinary caregivers that surround you (and get more chances to win prizes for both of you).  

Just visit intermountain.info/2023extraordinary or scan the QR code below and share what inspired you.

Extraordinary Experiences SS Blue QR Code


Liza Kotar, MS 
Experience of Care Consultant, Office of Patient Experience 
Children’s Health Care Continuum, Canyons Region   

Ryan Christensen, MHA 
Operations Officer 
Primary Children’s Hospital 

Scot Sweet, MBA 
Clinical Operations Senior Manager 
Primary Children’s Hospital  

Karee Nicholson, RN, MSN, CENP 
Medical/Surgical Director 
Primary Children’s Hospital