Redeployed OR caregiver helps clean Life Flight helicopters

Life Flight BN 1

When Jodi Tippetts, an OR tech at Logan Regional Hospital, received an assignment to be redeployed to McKay-Dee working with environmental services to clean Life Flight helicopters and patient rooms, she jumped at the opportunity and made the best of the situation. 

Jodi Tippetts SB

Jodi TippettsĀ 

“Many of these helicopters are transferring COVID-19 patients,” says Jodi. “The first night when we learned a helicopter was on its way we jumped right into our PPE and got our cleaning supplies. Life Flight helped us identify what needed to be cleaned and the process of doing it from the back of the helicopter forward. It was initially nerve wracking, but we did our best.”

Cindy Yashko, RN, operating room manager at Logan Regional, applauds Jodi not only for her great attitude in voluntarily taking the EVS assignment but also for being a team player. 

“When Jodi first arrived at McKay-Dee she found out one of the other redeployed caregivers had been assigned a graveyard shift and was distraught,” Cindy says. “Jodi offered to trade shifts since her husband also works graveyards.” 

Jodi says the experience has been a wonderful opportunity to work side-by-side with EVS. “My skillset is so specific to the operating room,” she says. “To be able to work closely with EVS has been humbling. These guys work so hard. It’s been eye opening to be a part of their team. Kudos to all the EVS workers who do this work every day.”

After Jodi’s first night at McKay-Dee, Cindy says she received a touching text about the experience: “Jodi told me she had the best night ever and that she felt lucky to spearhead this work. It made me feel really good that one of my Logan caregivers was so willing to drive to McKay-Dee and pitch in.” 

Jodi says it can be difficult to clean Life Flight at night is when it’s pitch black outside, but she found a solution. “My husband works for Union Pacific Railroad and he was able to procure a couple headlamps for caregivers to use. We’ve been keeping them in the emergency room with our PPE supplies,” says Jodi. 

“This has been a huge learning curve for everyone,” she adds. “I’m so proud to be a part of this team.” 

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