Mother says an EVS caregiver's attention to detail made her feel safe at the hospital

"The attention to detail was beyond anything I could've personally imagined..."

By Beth Gray

Beth Gray with her daughter at Primary Children's Hospital

I’ve always been impressed with the teams at Primary Children’s Hospital. I’ve spent many days there with my asthmatic two-year-old daughter and every person we’ve interacted with has helped us feel safe. During the COVID-19 pandemic, each person has worked even harder to ensure our safety.

A couple weeks ago, we received a call from Primary Children’s to reschedule my daughter’s previously postponed sleep study. A few days before the study, we had to get tested for COVID-19, then stay isolated at home until the study. We knew we’d taken all the necessary precautions to protect ourselves and others before we arrived at the hospital, and after walking through the hospital doors, any fears I had about safety there were quickly put to rest.

Beth Gray Sleep Study Primary Childrens

Beth Gray and her two-year-old daughter both felt safe during the child's sleep study

What really put my anxieties to rest was walking by an employee who was cleaning the stairway. I noticed they were doing more than just cleaning the stairs; they were cleaning the individual bolts on the stairs. The attention to detail was beyond any measure I could’ve personally imagined. Even with everyone being in masks, you could still see the care and desire in their eyes to keep the child first and always.

After checking in, my daughter was placed in the wagon and taken to the room for the sleep study. The staff made her feel welcome, like always, and brought a smile to her face.

During the study, I had a chance to talk to a nurse about what life had been like for her during the pandemic. She talked about how the traditional work she’d been doing in the sleep lab had been reduced. However, during the first few weeks of the pandemic, Intermountain had redeployed her to help sew masks. It made me grateful for all of the healthcare workers who took on different roles to help our communities prevent COVID-19.

I’ll admit that a couple of weeks before our visit to Primary Children’s Hospital, I was a little nervous about going to a hospital during a pandemic. I’d checked in with other parents who’d been to Primary Children’s and all of the online forums spoke positively of their experiences.

Following my personal experience, there’s one thing I hope others will know: Primary Children’s is not at high risk for infecting people with COVID. They’re doing everything to keep the children safe. The nurses, doctors, and other healthcare providers — along with hospital administrators, housekeepers, and everyone working at the hospital — love children and are going to keep them and everyone safe. You’re safe to go to Primary Children’s.

To all those working at Primary Children’s, I say thank you. You truly have your focus on keeping patients, families, and our community safe and healthy while the pandemic continues to impact the world.

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