A caring gesture gives mother and daughter hope

A caregiver’s unexpected kindness meant the world to a mother and daughter who’d been seeking answers for a health condition.
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Avery Stoker and Janalyn Holliday at Layton Hospital 
Janalyn Holliday and her 18-year-old daughter, Avery Stoker, had been searching for a diagnosis for Avery’s stomach problems for more than a year. They’d experienced a long waiting game with many doctor visits and tests, and they were nearing a breaking point. That’s when Charam LaFata, RN, stepped in and gave them hope.
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Charam LaFata, RN

Charam, who works at Layton Hospital in same-day surgery/PACU/endoscopy, was on the phone with Janalyn providing instructions for an upcoming procedure, when she realized a second procedure was scheduled the following week.

“I saw that Avery was scheduled to come in for two procedures five days apart — not to mention two different COVID-19 tests — plus an hour and fifteen minute drive one way,” says Charam. “My thought was, ‘She should be doing these tests together. It’s such a hassle to drive back and forth, there has to be a better solution.’”

Charam coordinated with her charge nurse and called the doctor’s office, where she worked with schedulers to get the green light to do both procedures on the same day. She called the family back to let them know and they were amazed by her kindness.

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Avery Stoker and her mom, Janalyn Holliday

“She didn’t have to do anything, but she chose to go above and beyond for my daughter and that meant so much,” says Janalyn. “What Charam didn’t know is this is just one health problem that’s been a part of a longer journey. When Avery was 14, she went through a huge ordeal with tests and doctors to eventually find a heart condition. At times it’s felt like we’re going in circles all over again.” 

“I really wanted to help them out,” Charam says. “Imagine having to get a COVID test twice on top of two procedures and spending half your day driving. I mean, once is enough. Plus, I knew this family was eager for answers.”

The family was so grateful they hand-delivered a thank you card to Charam. “Getting these results five days faster means so much to us,” Janalyn says. “It’s hard to see Avery struggling with being physically sick and also just losing her faith in doctors because of all she’s been through. Also, I don’t think Charam realized this, but our insurance premiums will reset in September and we’ve met our deductible for the year. So we want to do as much as possible.” 

While the family is still searching for answers, they’re thankful for the hint of hope from Charam’s kind gesture. 

“Honestly, we should provide this level of service for all our patients,” adds Charam. “When you see an opportunity to give extra help and make the effort, you never know where it might lead. We need this, especially in these times.” 

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