Record your Check-In conversations in Workday

Workday allows you to store notes and follow-up items from your Check-In conversations with your leader. Recording notes will help you remember what to talk about in your next Check-In conversation and help your leader understand what’s important to you.

To record your Check-In in Workday:

  • Log into Workday using a computer. This task can’t be done via the mobile app.
  • Click on the Talent and Performance application and select My Check-Ins.
  • Choose Create Check-In and add the date of the conversation. Under Manage Topics, select add and fill in a topic of your choice.
  • Put the main points of your conversation and any follow-up items in the shared notes section, because this allows your leader to view your notes and understand what was most meaningful from your conversation. Leaders can then add their notes to create a complete record of the conversation.

All Check-Ins for this quarter need to be documented in Workday before December 31.

Every caregiver should have a Check-In with their leader or a member of their leadership team at least once per quarter. A Check-In is time for you and your leader to talk about how things are going, your overall well-being, recent accomplishments and performance, your desired growth, and any areas for improvement.

Helpful links: Check-In Discussion Guide | Workday job aid | Workday Caregiver Check-In FAQ

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