Here's how to take advantage of new Employee Assistance Program offerings

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Intermountain’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is continuing to evolve in 2021 to support caregiver and leader emotional and mental health needs. Here are some things to look for:

  • EAP is hosting CARE sessions—30-minute virtual “drop-in” stress relief sessions—to provide practical self-care skills and tips to help you decompress and manage work-related stressors. Join a scheduled session as needed—no registration is required. All sessions are confidential, voluntary, and open to all caregivers. To join, click a link below or visit the CARE session webpage.
  • EAP has launched a new internal site for all Intermountain caregivers to support the split of internal and external EAP offerings, as the external .org website is transformed for community EAP clients only.
  • EAP has partnered with LiVe Well to offer virtual webinars for activity credit, helping you earn your LiVe Well reward. Learn how to earn credit and sign up for a credit.
  • EAP is expanding counseling session opportunities and crisis support for caregivers.

All interactions with EAP are kept confidential. Client information is maintained separately from iCentra or employee records. 

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