New tools will help you understand PTO in 2021

PTO tools

A series of new resources are now available to help answer common questions about recent changes to Intermountain’s PTO program. These tools will answer questions like, “How do I view past PTO accruals?” “Where can I find my most up-to-date PTO balance?” and “How do I estimate future PTO accruals?”

New resources include:

  1. An interactive PTO Guidebook (click ‘Enable external content for this session’ when opening)
  2. PTO estimator calculator tool
  3. Workday PTO upload schedule

Find these resources and more on the PTO webpage.

A few points to remember about the recent PTO changes:

  • Estimating your future PTO accrual is no longer a feature in Kronos because PTO now accrues only on hours paid, like hours you actually work and any PTO you use.
  • Workday is the source of truth for your PTO balance, but it only updates once after the end of each pay period. As a rule of thumb, when your payslip is ready to view, your PTO will be up-to-date and ready to view in Workday. Kronos will help show you the PTO you accrue throughout the pay period as you complete your shifts. (Find instructions for estimating your PTO in Kronos in the PTO Guidebook.)
  • A lot of PTO hours were moved around in pay period 1 of 2021. For example, if you elected a PTO cash-out, those hours would have been moved from your “Regular PTO” bucket to your “PTO Cash-out” bucket. Likewise, the “PTO Holiday” bucket has been phased out, and any remaining PTO holiday hours were transferred to your regular PTO bucket.
  • PTO for holidays is now part of your regular accrual rate. For some, this means you may start each year with a relatively low PTO balance, but your PTO can build up faster due to the higher accrual rates.

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