Tips to help you share your vaccination experience with friends and family

JD arm photo
JD Bowman shows off his band aid and the support of his wife Dani Bowman, who also has received the vaccine. 

If you’re interested in encouraging friends and family to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them, here are some resources that can help you share your experience and give helpful, accurate information. Caregivers are a trusted voice about what people should do to prevent and respond to COVID-19, and your actions and words influence others.

Tips about sharing your vaccine experience and what you can do to learn more:

  • When speaking to others about the vaccine—online or in person—stay positive, provide accurate information, and speak to your personal experience.
  • To make sure you know the right answers if someone asks a question, you can review Intermountain's public COVID-19 vaccine website. You can share this link in your online posts, too.
  • Another great resource to share is this COVID-19 vaccine update with Tamara Sheffield, MD, medical director of community health and prevention.
  • If you’re asked, “Why were you able to get vaccinated when you’re not vulnerable (or maybe not even a frontline healthcare worker)?” here are some thoughts you can share:
    “The Utah Department of Health and the CDC prioritized all healthcare workers to receive the vaccine quickly. The healthcare organization I work for was allocated enough vaccines to give it to all employees immediately, so they followed through on their commitment to vaccinate as many people as they were permitted to. That included caregivers on the frontlines and all those who support them. We're excited for everyone in the community to get the same opportunity as quickly as possible.”
  • Sharing your experience is completely voluntary and represents your personal opinion only. Don’t imply that you’re speaking as an official representative of Intermountain and don't share any protected health information.

Please continue to model and educate others on prevention behaviors that will help contribute to a safe, quick conclusion to the pandemic. Find more information on the caregiver COVID-19 website

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