Let Employee Health know if you were vaccinated outside of Intermountain caregiver clinics

COVID vaccine05 BN

Did you get your COVID-19 shot somewhere besides at an Intermountain caregiver vaccination clinic? If so, please let Employee Health know. As the rate of caregiver vaccination increases and daily COVID-19 case counts decrease, Infection Prevention, Employee Health, and other clinical leaders are continually assessing how to keep caregivers and patients safe. Some of these decisions and guidelines are based on the number of caregivers who’ve been vaccinated.

Here’s how to inform Employee Health of your vaccination:

  • Email your documentation to EHNurseCOVIDTriageTeam@imail.org.
  • Documentation should include your name, your caregiver ID number, your birthdate, the date(s) of one or both shots, the manufacturer of the vaccine you received (if known), and the location where you got your vaccination.

Your vaccination should be recorded in iCentra if you were vaccinated at an Intermountain community clinic, and it should be recorded in the state immunization database if you were vaccinated somewhere outside of Intermountain. But the state immunization databases from Utah, Idaho, and Nevada—as well as iCentra—don’t interface with the Intermountain Employee Health system, so Employee Health doesn’t have your vaccination information if you had your shot outside of Employee Health caregiver vaccination clinics. Data can be sent from Employee Health to the state databases.

“A complete immunization record is important and may be helpful if you misplace your immunization card,” says Sharon Long, RN, Employee Health operations director. “To update guidelines and make the best decisions, we need the most accurate data on the number of caregivers who’ve been vaccinated. By sending your vaccination information to Employee Health, you’ll help us have more accurate numbers.”

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